Document Management

SawaCRM offers an advanced feature for managing documentation, uploading certificates, and tracking expiry dates, revolutionising how businesses handle critical document management tasks. SawaCRM simplifies capturing, organising, and monitoring essential documents and certificates. By leveraging this module, businesses can ensure accurate documentation for their employees and clients, streamline operations, and effectively track document expiry dates. Experience the transformative power of SawaCRM's document management feature and enhance your organisation's record-keeping process with ease.

In the document management area, you can:

  • Upload Documents - Effortlessly upload documents such as certificates, contracts, or licenses directly into SawaCRM.
  • Set Expiry Dates - Assign expiry dates to uploaded documents to ensure proactive monitoring and timely renewals.
  • Categorise Documents - Organise documents into specific categories or folders for easy access and efficient management.
  • Attach Files - Seamlessly attach supporting files or additional information to enhance document completeness and reference.
  • Generate Reports - Generate comprehensive reports to analyse document status, track expiring documents, and facilitate decision-making processes.